The Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts and the Cyprus Interaction Lab invites you to a public presentation by Assistant Professor, Dr. Andri Ioannou, which is a part of her evaluation for promotion to the rank of Associate Professor.
TITLE: From 4E cognition to embodied design and learning: Findings from interventions in educational contexts

Venue: Pavlou Mela, Lemesos Roussos Building, Room EAT
Date: Tuesday, 10 September 2019
Time: 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Language: English
Technology-enhanced embodied learning, as a contemporary pedagogy, is gaining traction in the field of education, deeply rooted in theories of Embodied, Enactive, Extended, and Embedded Cognition (4E Cognition). Emerging learning environments, grounded in motion-based technologies and immersive interfaces, create new conditions for gestural and embodied interactions between students and their environment, other students and themselves. In this presentation, I will discuss my previous and ongoing research in the era of 4E learning, mediated by technology. From initial phenomena of 4E learning realized during collaboration on interactive tabletops, to implementations of 4E learning using motion-tracking cameras in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) settings, my work provides insights on best practices for enacting technology-enhanced embodied learning in various educational contexts and its positive impacts on learning. My presentation will conclude by proposing a research agenda for the future within the interdisciplinary fields of Design, Multimedia and Educational Technology.
Andri Ioannou is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts of the Cyprus University of Technology, Director of the Cyprus Interaction Research Lab (, and Team Leader of the “Educational Media for Education and Edutainment” research group of RISE (Research Centre on Interactive Media, Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies). Andri has a Ph.D. in Educational Technology and an MA in Education both from the University of Connecticut (USA), and a BSc in Computer Science from the University of Cyprus. Her research contributes to key areas of educational technology, including the (i) design and evaluation of technology-enhanced learning environments, (ii) use of technology to support skills within a 21st century framework including problem-solving, collaboration, metacognition, and “living in the world” skills, (iii) design of embodied, playful and gameful learning using technology, and (iv) technology integration in all levels of education. More info: