On May 15th, the ERUM consortium met for the second time, but, due to the current public health crisis, the meeting was held on Zoom. It was chaired by Judith, Alessandra and Johanna from the University of Vienna.
During this productive day, the project partners discussed about already achieved milestones and about next important steps of the project. Internal management and dissemination strategies were addressed and the consortium discussed the progress of IO1 (reports on controversial topics represented in media), which is led by the University of Vienna and will be finalised this month. Furthermore, Vytautas Magnus University informed the partners about the progress of IO2, which focuses on guidelines for evidence-based communication. Other than being based on the research conducted in the framework of IO1, this second intellectual output builds on a survey targeted at journalists that will be conducted in the forthcoming months. Lastly, the consortium members continued with the planning the first Intensive Study Programme, which is closely linked to the second intellectual output and aims at teaching students about evidence-based communication. An outlook was given by the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (the leader of the ISP), and due to the current situation, our first ISP will be postponed to Spring 2021.
In the near future, two important outputs will be published: the reports on controversial topics and their representation in the media (June 2020) and the guidelines for evidence-based communication (January 2021).