Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM) funded by COST Action TD1309 “Play and children with disabilities” (completed)
Host Institution
Cyprus Interaction Lab, Cyprus University of Technology
Address : 30 Archbishop Kyprianou Str., 3036 Lemesos, Cyprus
Main mission
The Cyprus Interaction Lab (http://www.
- Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
- Inclusive design/Accessibility
- Educational Technology
- Social aspects of computing
- Technology-enhanced learning
- Technology integration in K-20
- Educational Robotics
- Advanced Technologies for Learning
- Computer Games and their social and pedagogical dimensions
- Computer Mediated Communication (CMC)
- Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)
- Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW)
The lab has a specially equipped usability laboratory designed for running user evaluations in a comfortable environment which is configured with state-of-the-art equipment.
Scientific Activity proposed by the Host Institution
- Use of NAO Robot as a mediator for play for children with Autism
- Ethnography studies in investigating online games for children with disabilities
- Development of design guidelines for designing online games for children with disabilities
- Investigate the use of engino ( blocks for play for children with disabilities.
Duration proposed by the Host Institution
Any duration (5-90 working days)
Dates proposed by the Host Institution
Deadline for applying the Call proposed by Host Institution
Postgraduate students or postdoctoral fellows or staff members in an institution actively participating in the COST ACTION. Early Stage Researchers (less than 8 years after the PhD) or equivalent for professionals who does not have a PhD will be prioritized.
Financial Support
A fixed grant of maximum 1800 euros, as approved by the Action Management Committee. The total amount granted will depend on the length of the stay and the amount of STSMs proposals submitted in relation with the available budget.
Documents requested to the Applicants by the Host Institution
a) a motivation letter (2 pages maximum);
b) an updated CV.
Application procedure
The interested applicants should send the requested documents to apply for a STSM to a Committee formed by:
- STSM Coordinator: Tatjana Zorcec; email:
- Action Member affiliated to the Host Institution(name: Panayiotis Zaphiris, email: pzaphiri@cyprusinteractionlab.
com) - Action Chair, Serenella Besio, email:
- Vice-Chair, Pedro Encarnação, email:
Selection procedure
The Committee will assess the applications according to the relevancy of the candidatures to the scientific objectives of the COST Action LUDI TD1309 and particularly to the Scientific Activity proposed by the Host Institution. Each application will be assessed and the results will be published on the LUDI website and communicated to the successful applicant.
Further Details
The successful applicants and the Host Institution are expected to read carefully the Q&A section concerning the STSM on the LUDI website. For any additional information they can contact the STSM Coordinator: Tatjana Zorcec; email: