Qualitative Study on SELFIE Impact [QUASI; Ref Ares(2021)339036]. Funded to the University of Valladolid (A. Ioannou as local coordinator- Research Centre on Interactive media, Smart systems and Emerging technologies – CYENS) as an eTendering JRC/SVQ/2021/MVP/0074. This 100K project aims to understand the digital readiness of 15 schools from three different countries in Europe (Spain, Netherlands, and Cyprus), explore how SELFIE* is used and perceived by its users, identify and describe the impact of SELFIE, situate its impact in the more complex nexus of interrelated concepts like: digital readiness of schools, school management models, the changing landscape of technologies, theory of change in organizations, integration of innovation in education as well as the datafication of schools, and provide a set of recommendations on the improvement of the tool, support material, school actions, best practices, stakeholder actions, social innovation actions. 

*SELFIE stands for Self-Reflection on Effective Learning by Fostering the use of Innovative Educational technologies. More information about the tool is available at the following link: https://ec.europa.eu/education/schools-go-digital_en. This self-reflection tool was designed by the European Commission to support schools to develop their digital capacity. 

Read our publication:

Timotheou, S., Miliou, O., Dimitriadis, Y., Sobrino, S. V., Giannoutsou, N., Cachia, R., … & Ioannou, A. (2022). Impacts of digital technologies on education and factors influencing schools’ digital capacity and transformation: A literature review. Education and Information Technologies, 1-32.

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