Consultancy project: UX Study of New online service for an e-banking System
February 2022
The EdMedia MRG (a natural extension of the Cyprus Interaction Lab) conducted a user-experience (UX) evaluation study with users of a new online service, that will be integrated into an existing e-banking system. The study, which concentrated on a high fidelity prototype (i.e. a prototype that closely resembles the final service/product), aimed to understand how the new service responds to the needs of its prospective users, to uncover possible challenges regarding its usability and overall user experience, and to understand user preferences amongst various other design alternatives.
A team of 4 UX researchers at CYENS/CIL planned and executed this study with various participants in a period of just over a week.
Through the employment of formative and summative methods and the gathering of both behavioral and attitudinal data during prototype-user-testing, this type of UX studies can help provide focus on problematic interface features early on in the design cycle. It is recommended that an iterative evaluation-and-(re)design approach is then established in key phases of the project to ensure that the final product is optimized in terms of User Experience.